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Game 1遊戲 –Encouragement Game

(出處: http://www.jubed.com/youth_ministry/view/Encouragement-Game/?s=106 )
More here: http://www.jubed.com/youth_ministry/search/team-building-teamwork

Encouragement Game
This game is a potential life changing game. It works best for groups that know each other reasonably well.

Sit in a circle and give everyone a piece of paper and pen. Each person should write their name at the top of the piece of paper, then pass it to the person on their left. Each person then writes one or two (or more) positive characteristics about the person who's name is at the top of the paper.


After 30-60 seconds, everyone passes the pieces of paper around to their left again. This continues until everyone has written on everyone else's paper.

A typical piece of paper would look like this:
| Jo Smith
| Kind
| Thoughtful
| Always thinking of others
| A good cook!
| etc
| etc
The final step is that everyone receives their piece of paper back again.

It works best if you collect them and hand them out one at a time, so everyone can see people's reaction seeing the positive comments about themselves. Depending on the make up of the group, one option is to have people read out their own list. As some commentators have pointed out below, it may be worth doing a quick check to ensure the comments are appropriate and positive.

Potential variations:
Use a large piece of cardboard per person (rather than a sheet of paper) - this way people can stick the cardboard in their room as a constant reminder of how they are loved!

Game 2遊戲 –Two Truths and a Lie

(出處: http://www.jubed.com/youth_ministry/view/Two-Truths-and-a-Lie/)
More here: http://www.jubed.com/youth_ministry/search/team-building-teamwork

Two Truths and a Lie
(A great get to know you game!)

Everyone in the group has to think of three things to share about themselves - two must be true but one must be a lie. When a person has shared their three things, the rest of the group must decide which of the 3 is a lie. The person then indicates which one was the "lie".

It's amazing some of the things you learn about people when playing this game. People will be keen to trick the group, so it encourages people to share some of the more outrageous things they've done in their lives! This game can lead nicely into a discussion or devotion on the importance of truth (or damaging effects telling lies)

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