E-Plan / English [英語] 1-13 豐年祭
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| 討論議題 |

● 東西方文化異同


How do westerners and aboriginal tribes in Taiwan believe human beings were created?

What are the cultural similarities and differences you find regarding the creation of human beings among westerners and Taiwan aboriginal tribes?

In the West, one of the most famous and popular legends about the creation of human beings is God created humans according to his own images (Please see the information for the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_and_Eve).  In Taiwan, many aboriginal tribes also have legends about the creation of their ancestors (human beings) (Please read the following listed table and links for information).  Please discuss the following question after reading the given information.

What are the cultural similarities and differences you find regarding the creation of human beings among westerners and Taiwan aboriginal tribes? 


人的創造傳說 Creation of Humans


西方人 Westerners


God created human beings according to his own images.


漢人 Han Race: Chinese people


Humans were transformed from the chopped intestines of the man.


賽夏 Saisiat:


Humans were transformed from the chopped meat of the man (Recreation).



泰雅 Atayal / Tayal: Another Gaoshang tribe


Humans were transformed from the chopped bones of the man.


噶瑪蘭族 Kebalan / Kbalan 


Humans were transformed from wax gourds (Plants / Nature).


西拉雅族 Siraya 


Humans were transformed from eggs (Snakes or Birds).


魯凱族 Rukai 


Humans were transformed from eggs (Snakes) and the Sky (Nature).





- 台灣原住民文化知識網 http://www.sight-native.taipei.gov.tw

- 原住民數位博物館 http://www.dmtip.gov.tw

- Amo. “阿莫說故事: 臺灣原住民口傳故事.” 阿莫說故事. 阿莫說故事, n.d. Web. 2 Apr 2014.


- 祖靈的國度-原住民信仰文化特展官網 - 宗博電子報 



- 創世神話比較


- 少數民族神話中的同源共祖現象


- Adam and Eve, Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_and_Eve)


● 環境保育Environmental Protection

[Note 1: The required reading references are much longer for this discussion.  It is suggested that instructors give the prompt and links to students at least one week prior to the discussion and ask students to read them.

Note 2: This activity can also be applied and used as a writing activity.]


Prompt for 環境保育Environmental Protection


-- Within the past decade, humans have undergone drastic climate changes and experienced great loss and damages. Our mother earth has been sabotaged because of human economic development and greed.  In order to stop or slow down damages we humans created, some have started to introspect and reflect on what we have done or what we have been doing now.  Some anthropologists found out that indigenous peoples have great wisdom to live harmonious with nature.  Indigenous peoples have rich cultures based on their spiritual relationships with their lands and nature. They see themselves as part of nature, and they have “their own specific modes of production based on a unique knowledge of their environment” (Kirpuri, 2).  Please read and watch the following references (A. B.C) and then proceed to the discussion.  

  1. Read the section on “Land, language and identity” (Kipuri, 53-58) in the following article available from the following link (See http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/SOWIP_chapter2.pdf).
  2. Film: Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfGMYdalClU
  3. Circular Economy (See http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/fms/About%20Massey/Documents/29_05_13%20Albany,%20Improving%20Human.pptx?CA0FD6809DBCF2CBA5CB6D035E2E3BA6)


Find out some more references if necessary before proceeding to the following discussion.

Discuss the following issues:

  1. What are the universal characteristics among aboriginal tribes when they perceive their relationships with nature? If possible, please give concrete examples by indicating certain tribes and their events or stories.
  2. What can we learn from aboriginal peoples in order to save our wrecked earth and make balance between economic development and environmental protection?



Kipuri, Naomi. State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (2010): 52-81. United Nation, 14

Jan. 2010. Web. 16 July 2014. <http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/SOWIP_chapter2.pdf>.

King, Sir David. Improving Human Well-Being on a Resource-Limited Planet – Can we Do It?

May 2013. Web. 16 July 2014.



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