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目前位置:資料彙整   /  文化概念與特色  /  學術論文─特優獎:罪者無眠:埃德加·愛倫·坡《厄舍府的沒落》中的慟哭與掙扎




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Many critics like Marita Nadal and Brett Zimmerman carry out this analysis of The Fall of the House of Usher in terms of a psychoanalytic reading, finding that Gothic fictions usually emphasize the fear, sensibility and the role of the unconscious. Through a ghastly, gruesome depiction of an emotionally haunted character named Roderick Usher, Edgar Allan Poe demonstrates Usher’s struggle with fatality. This well-known American writer provides insights into the meditation on death and terror in the Usher family’s decaying house, embodying the epitome of humanity’s dark side. This paper argues that Roderick Usher’s madness in unavoidable, by analyzing the narrative and psychological factors which depict Roderick Usher’s insanity through a focus on Usher’s traumatic experiences, by analyzing Usher’s brain based on a phrenology theory provided by Brett Zimmerman which examines organs to determine people’s personalities, and by an analysis of a non-traditional ballad entitled "The Haunted Palace" and a legend entitled "Mad Trist.”

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